
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Update/Component Updates/ Loot card voting
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 02:46:15 AM

Pledge Manager

Quick update on the pledge manager. We're ran into a minor hiccup around taxes that should be resolved now, pushing the pledge manager back to review with BackerKit and hopefully end of this week or beginning of next surveys will be going out. 

Component Updates

In one of the previous updates we mentioned giving you all the best quality components we could, even replacing some of the stretch goals unlocked with more desirable component upgrades. 

After looking over manufacturing and evaluating costs this is what we're thinking:

 No spot UV on components 

All copies get acrylic standees instead of chipboard

All copies gets 300gsm black core cards with linen finish 

All copies get matte lamination on chipboard components

We're going to evaluate making the chipboard thicker as well but it's already reasonably thick at 1.8mm so that will depend if the cost justifies going up to 2mm. We'd like it to be 2mm though :D

Social Stretch Goals

Here's the status for the social goals so far! These goals will be extended while we are accepting late pledges so let's get these unlocked! * Click any of the below links to go complete those social goals *

Facebook shares : 58/100 (+5)

Instagram follows : UNLOCKED!

Twitter retweets: 57/100 (+0)

BGG Subscribes : 182/200 (+8)

Discord Members : 223/250 (+7)

Loot Card Voting:

There are currently 4 Loot cards unlocked and it's pretty safe to say we'll hit the next stretch goal when the pledge manager goes live, so we're going to open voting for 6 Loot cards to be added to the game. Please reply to this update or in the comments with your top 6 choices from this list using their corresponding letters. 

A.) Smuggler’s Cache: Discard to add resources to your cargo hold, potentially based on a die roll

B.) Wet Powder: Discard an ammo die or resource to reduce a cannon roll fired against you

C.) Long Barrel Cannon (Equipment): Cannons can be fired from adjacent spaces possibly limit 2 cannons, has resource cost to use, or 5 pips for one damage.

D.) Coin Launcher(Equipment): Use coins to do damage, maybe use coins to modify attack rolls, or refresh cannons with coin cost to make multiple attacks.

E.) Black Powder Thruster(Equipment):  Discard ammo dice to modify movement

F.) Baby Kraken: discard to release a mist of ink, letting you escape/cancel a battle

G.) Swindler's Coat(Equipment): While equipped, you gain an extra 2 gold when selling loot, potentially reduce cost of buying loot/map clues.

H.) Black Pearl: discard to freely move 2 hexes

I.) Powdered Kegs: Discard when attacking, spend any number of spice to add 2 to your attack roll.

J.) Naval ram(Equipment): Allows you to perform an attack based on movement when you enter a rival space, potentially every 2 hexes moved is one damage, costs an action point to perform the attack. 

First Social Stretch Goal, Open Play Testing on Discord, Pledge Manager Update
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 09:54:10 PM

Happy Wednesday Everyone! 

Good news we've unlocked our first social stretch goal, which is an additional Loot card in every copy of Quests & Cannons. 

We're also $4,000 away from unlocking 2 more loot cards as part of extending the funding stretch goals through late pledges. 

Social Goal Status

Here's the status for the social goals so far! These goals will be extended while we are accepting late pledges so let's get these unlocked! * Click any of the below links to go complete those social goals *

Facebook shares : 53/100 (+0)

Instagram follows : 750/750 UNLOCKED!

Twitter retweets: 57/100 (+2)

BGG Subscribes : 174/200 (+10)

Discord Members : 216/250 (+5)

Open play testing on Discord

We'd love to see you on discord to put Quests & Cannons through some final play testing as we work on finalizing the game before manufacturing. Next update we'll be putting up a list of Loot card suggestions for the new Loot cards being added, we'll want to finalize these ideas to be able to test them and get illustrations made for them.  Do you have any suggestions for Loot cards that you'd like to see in the game? 

 Pledge Manager

We are looking on track to have the pledge manager ready first week or second week of November, we're waiting for funds from Kickstarter before moving backer data over to BackerKit. Items are built out in the pledge manager, pre-order store is live, and we're finishing up some survey questions so things are timing out nicely there.  

Looking forward to providing more updates soon!

Eric & Shannon Geller

Successfully Funded! Next Steps
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 05:17:20 PM

Thank you everyone! 

Quests & Cannons successfully funded with 930 backers raising $60,488 and we cannot wait to get games to your tables! 

We'll be detailing some next steps in this update as we shift gears towards getting Quests & Cannons ready for manufacturing. 


We'll be demoing Quests & Cannons virtually at AwSHUX October 22-24, we'll be running a demo of Quests & Cannons each day of the event from 1pm EDT to 4pm EDT and we'll be doing Q&As in discord while not running demos. 

Pledge Manager:

We're aiming to have the pledge manager open first week or second week of November ideally as soon as Kickstarter finishes processing payments by the end of the month and we can move backer info into BackerKit. We'll make another update saying when the pledge manager emails go out. 

For anyone new to Kickstarter, please let us know if you have any questions about the pledge manager, this is where we will be collecting shipping addresses, and you'll be able to adjust your pledge and add any addons or additional copies of the game. Cards won't be charged until we are getting ready to fulfill next year.  

Pre-Order Store:

For anyone that missed the Kickstarter, we now have a pre-order store open for late pledges that can be accessed on the Kickstarter page. Pre-orders and late pledges will contribute towards the stretch goals!  

Social Goal Status

Here's the status for the social goals so far! These goals will be extended while we are accepting late pledges so let's get these unlocked! * Click any of the below links to go complete those social goals *

Facebook shares : 53/100 (+3)

Instagram follows : 734/750 (+0)

Twitter retweets: 55/100 (+4)

BGG Subscribes : 164/200 (+5)

Discord Members : 211/250 (+5)

Thank you everyone for joining us on this adventure! 

Eric & Shannon Geller

Last Day! 300% Funded Over 800 Backers!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 11:36:10 AM

Happy Friday!

It's the last day of this Kickstarter and we're thrilled to see the support coming in. It really does mean the world to us. 

We've got a few announcements to make today before we head off to Knight Moves Cafe to do a campaign countdown. If you're local, we'd love to see you there tonight!

We unlocked our 4th stretch goal!

We'll now have matte lamination on all of the chipboard components of the game! Next stretch goal is 2 more loot cards bringing us to a total of 5 new ones before any social goals. 

Don't fret about not reaching these goals before the campaign closes, we'll be extending them through the pledge manager. We especially want to see acrylic standees in every game, and of course the higher funding we receive the easier it is to make material upgrades, but our commitment is to give you the best quality game possible. Speaking transparently we could likely drop spot UV to have more room for upgrades like linen finish, but that will all be something we evaluate more closely as this campaign ends.  

We'll be making another announcement after the campaign ends to give more details on the pledge manager schedule as well as the pre-order store. 


We'll be demoing Quests & Cannons virtually later this October at AwSHUX October 22-24, and we'll have our demo schedule up in the next update likely coming this Monday. 

Play Mat and add on limited availability

We mention this on the campaign page, and while these add-ons are not "Kickstarter Exclusive" they likely will have limited availability with only enough made for individual backers and retailers that decide to purchase deluxe versions of the game. We do hope to bring them back for future campaigns, but pledging for them through this campaign will be your best chance of getting them.  

Group Pledge Option

We added two group pledge options for the Champion(Deluxe) and Hero(Standard) games. This extends better shipping rates if you would like to group pledges with friends/family. We have a full list of shipping estimates for these options in the FAQ. Shipping rates see discounts of 50% or more by going this route. Let us know if you have any questions on it! 

Social Goal Status

Here's the status for the social goals so far with less than a day left! * Click any of the below links to go complete those social goals *

Facebook shares : 50/100 (+5)

Instagram follows : 734/750 (+12)

Twitter retweets: 51/100 (+3)

BGG Subscribes : 159/200 (+8)

Discord Members : 206/250 (+14)

Indie Creator Corner

We've got another super cool TTRPG campaign for you all to check out that is particularly awesome if your group tends to go off the rails during your sessions and don't they all! 

If you're looking for huge, printed maps, game-ready encounters, & reusable static-cling stickers then you'll definitely want to check out ATLAS by Moonlight Maps

Thank you,

Eric & Shannon Geller

Entering the final stretch! Over 700 backers!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 06:35:06 PM

Happy Wednesday Everyone! 

We're approaching the end of this campaign, but that doesn't mean it's the end! We're looking forward to coming up with the loot cards we unlocked in this campaign, sharing artwork that needs to be finished up, and doing some final play testing with you all to make sure we give you the best version of Quests & Cannons we can! 

On that topic of providing more value to you, we'll be opening up two more pledge levels to give people the option to pledge for a case of 4 standard or 4 deluxe games. If you have the option to combine your pledge with 3 friends to ship games to the same location then we can offer a significantly lowered shipping rate (50% discount or more in some cases) we should have these pledges available in the last 2 days of the campaign and will have an option in the pledge manager to update your pledge to this option.

If you have any questions on this option, please message us or email us at [email protected]

Dwunny Lore

Throughout the many hills of Dwunarren, the Dwunny make their homes in burrows and seed the land with permaculture gardens that provide food and beauty to their nation. Deep within their mountain burrows the Dwunny are hard at work mining ores of all kinds and smithing them into machinations of wondrous craftsmanship. From atop the tallest peaks of their mountains they gaze even higher above in reverence to the towering tree, their guardian of life, The Mother Tree, that imbues the land with abundant harvest. Beneath their living guardian the Dwunny make their burrows in the forest that surrounds it living in harmony with all the land.

Dwunny are a matriarchal society organized into clans called burrows. Dwunny are fiercely territorial and industrious with the women leading burrows and resolving territorial disputes. Currently the burrows have been united though that has not always been the case.

There are three sub-species of Dwunny based on environment, forest, hill, and mountain, which are the three main environments in Dwunarren.  The mother tree is the central feature of Dwunarren a towering cloud tall tree, which is cared for by the Dwunny Branch Keepers which are typically forest Dwunny but there have been instances of mountain and hill Dwunny that become Branch Keepers. As Dwunny come of age some begin to grow antlers which are known as Branches of the Mother. Hill and Forest Dwunny are largely agrarian living off the land more like Hobbits and Elves respectively, while mountain Dwunny are more industrious building large structures like traditional Dwarves in the mountains.

Social Goal Status

Here's the status for the social goals so far with 2 days left! * Click any of the below links to go complete those social goals *

Facebook shares : 45/100 (+6)

Instagram follows : 722/750 (+31)

Twitter retweets: 48/100 (+6)

BGG Subscribes : 151/200 (+9)

Discord Members : 202/250 (+10)