
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dealing with personal issues
over 2 years ago – Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 11:56:47 AM

Thank you for your patience everyone and we apologize for the delay in updates. We are currently dealing with some personal issues that have necessitated a pause on operations.

We hope to provide an update later this month with more details.

Thank you, Short Hop Games

Some delays, working towards final files being done by end of May
over 2 years ago – Sun, May 15, 2022 at 01:13:01 AM

Sorry to say there are some delays

We've run into some unexpected delays with wrapping up the graphic design work and we're doing our best to get everything done by the end of the month. 

Because of these delays we're going to extend the lock date of the pledge manager to the end of the month, which should be when we pass files off to manufacturing. 

Mostly text proof is left, we need to update map layout pictures since we updated those graphics, and there's some minor graphic polish left IE positioning of images etc. 

Box cover splay

We're also working on the back of the box, which we're working on getting an updated render done now that we have updated graphics on the main components. 

Back of Box Splay (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Print & Play Update

We'll be passing files to Martin G to assemble the print & play files as they are ready. Ideally these should be ready about the same time final files are done. We will keep you posted :)

As always if you have any questions or comments please let us know!


Eric & Shannon Geller

Dice & Coin Voting Results, Pledge Manager Closing Soon
over 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 06:22:38 PM

Dice & Coin Voting Results


So first off we have the dice, and this one was fun because we get to see some Ranked Choice Voting in action. 

How this works is we're going to first look at if any option has an outright majority of votes (50% +1)

We had 60 votes for dice so there was no clear majority. 

Option C received the fewest votes so it gets eliminated and all the votes with option C ranked first now go to their second choice for adjusted totals:

New Adjusted Totals:

A: 8

B: 20

D: 18

E: 14

A is eliminated and all the votes with A as first choice go to their second choice, if any of those were C then it goes to third choice.

New Totals:

B: 22

D: 21


E is eliminated repeat adjusted totals

B: 26

D: 27

D is the winner! We may see if we can get the colors on the dice to better align with the board colors but looking forward to make this choice a reality :D, if anyone wants to offer number color suggestions we're all ears! 


This vote was a straightforward plurality but considering how close option 2 and 3 are, I think we may have an option to get the best of both worlds. 

Here's what we propose:

The metal coins will use the Treacherous Sea graphic as the number side like this: 

The backs of the coins will be the Winged Mushroom. Each denomination coin will be different size and different color (copper-1, silver-3, and gold-5)

The chipboard coins will be keep the original compass coin art and we'll include a chipboard "Merchant's Lucky Coin" that can act as a first player token and as a coin to flip for the Merchant's Lucky Coin loot card that will have a blank Treacherous Sea/Winged Mushroom graphic to it. 

 Let us know your thoughts on this :) 

Pledge Manager Closing Soon

While we are experiencing a bit of delay in wrapping up final files, we are planning to close the pledge manager in about a month from now on May 16th. As an additional notice, this campaign may be the only chance to get the deluxe components (play mat, metal coins, and dice) we are not making any extra as part of this print run, only enough to fulfill to individual and retail backers. We hope to bring these components back in future Quests & Cannons campaigns but there are no guarantees sadly. 

We should have additional details for a status update on the final files later this month, so stay tuned. 

As always please let us know if you have any questions about anything :)

Thank you,

Eric & Shannon Geller

Short Hop Games

Final File Progress, Vote on Custom Dice/Metal Coins, Post Kickstarter MSRP, BoardGameHype
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 12:04:25 AM

Final File Progress:

We've finished the last illustration for Quests & Cannons! 

Bozret Lotusthief champion tile and artwork - credit Regis Torres & Stained Karbon, story Urias Okeefe

This means we're in the home stretch getting final files prepared to send to manufacturing. 

Our target to have those submitted is end of this month. Print & Play version will be completed shortly after that. 

Here's some behind the scenes look at the punch board layouts being worked on by Jovial Graphics & Games:

Front and back layouts for the punch boards. Quests & Cannons comes with 8 punchboards of components

Vote on Custom Dice:

We have a few options for custom dice that we need your votes on, let us know in the comments your top 3. 

Keep in mind these are representations of dice style and we can play with the base colors and number colors. Feel free to offer any suggestions on these in the comments.

Vote on Metal Coins:

Same deal on the metal coins, we've got a few different options for backs of the metal coins and regular coins in general. We plan on aligning the coin designs to be more congruent as well. 

Option 1: Front and back are identical

Option 2: the Winged Mushroom 

Option 3: the Treacherous Seas 

Let us know in the comments your top pick!

Post Kickstarter MSRP

If you've been following the news in the board game industry (and many other industries) there has been raw material cost increases that have led to increased prices. We saw a 30% increase in our manufacturing cost for Quests & Cannons from September 2021 to February this year, yikes! While this does not affect Kickstarter prices at all, we have made the decision to raise MSRP to $75 for the standard game of Quests & Cannons. We also likely won't be printing extra of the deluxe components so outside of this Kickstarter and relatively limited number of retailers who have currently backed the deluxe version of the game this will probably be the only option to get these components. While we're not fans of FOMO, due to cost increases this Kickstarter/pledge manager is going to be the least expensive and most reliable way to get a copy of Quests & Cannons, in case anyone is still on the fence about pre-ordering/backing. 


Interested in learning more about upcoming board games before they get to crowdfunding? Want to get involved in various stages of play testing and offer feedback on in development games?

Come join BoardGameHype on Facebook and be part of a growing, high-energy community that's doing just that!

As always let us know in the comments if you have any questions! 


Eric & Shannon Geller

Short Hop Games

1 Illustration left more art to share, possible alternate language versions, and timeline update!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 03:37:42 PM

One illustration left! 

Illustrations are almost complete, we have a single character background left that is being worked on by Stained Karbon.

Here's the full loot card deck complete with 37 unique illustrations and 50 cards total :D 

Full Loot Deck

Through some continued play testing we've updated Valkyr's and Pewter's champion abilities and with the new changes have felt they are more appropriately balanced! 

Pewter Irontail
Valkyr Thunderfoot

Possible language versions:

We are currently working with a few international partners to make Dutch, German, and Chinese versions of Quests & Cannons a reality. We hope to have more news to share on that front in March and if available we will allow backers to switch to these versions. 

Production Timeline  

With one illustration remaining the bulk of the work left is the graphic design. This is taking a bit longer than anticipated and we're hoping to have the final files wrapped up by April. Expect another update or two in March. If you have any questions feel free to ask them here, or any other channel such as social media or email.