
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

April Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 09:55:15 AM

Manufacturing/Timeline Update: 

Spoke with manufacturing last night and current update is that molds and first sample set of metal coins will be done in about 15 days and we can expect to receive the preproduction copy by end of May. 

We're mostly done with arranging back-end fulfillment and the good news on this front is that there won't be any changes to shipping charges for any backers.  

If there are no issues with the preproduction copy and so far the pictures we have received point to it being stellar, then we can expect 35-50 days manufacturing lead time and another 25-45 days for ocean freight transit before hitting our fulfillment centers this puts us somewhere around end of August or beginning of September.

Manufacturing shared more pictures of the preproduction copy so far!

Doubled Sided quick play mat with sewn edges
Metal coins (finished coins will be copper, silver, gold)

Incomplete Pledge Surveys

There are still incomplete pledge surveys for people who backed on Kickstarter or came in post campaign. I have personally reached out via emails provided and am redundantly messaging people on Kickstarter to try to confirm remaining details for these pledges. This is incredibly time consuming so please please check your pledge through BackerKit, confirm we have your payment info, shipping address including telephone number, and you have answered the pledge questions. If you have ANY concern about your pledge not being complete or missing information, please contact me via email at [email protected] or message me on Facebook, or message me on Kickstarter and I will personally confirm with you that your pledge details are complete. 

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to leave comments on this update or message me directly. 

Thank you,

Eric Geller

Short Hop Games

March Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 09:22:00 AM

Manufacturing Status 

Manufacturing has begun work on the pre-production copy while we wrap up the last proof file on the metal coins, which should be this week. (We'll be adding 3D files for the metal coins in the PNP folder as well)

Tentative schedule could look like:

  • Receipt of pre-production copy by mid April 
  • Review and approval by end of April
  • Production run starts with a quoted 35-50 lead time. 
  • Ocean Freight lead times from China to US/Europe ~30-40 days
  • Fulfillment receives games and preps shipments around mid July - August 

Want to see an example of one the manufacturing proof files? Here's one for some of the cards: 

Pledge Surveys

Please make sure you have completed your pledge surveys. Orders that have been completed are locked but addresses can still be changed. We'll be locking addresses soon as well so we can confirm final details to our fulfillment partners. If you have any question about whether your pledge survey is completed, please let us know. Failure to complete your pledge survey before games are on boats may result in increased shipping fees. We'll do what we can to resolve those cases fairly, but it may be difficult or costly to resolve if we don't have accurate order and shipping details before games are routed to fulfillment. 

Thank you again for your support and we can't wait to share pictures of the pre-production copy when we receive it. 

-Short Hop Games

Updated PNP files, Rulebook V11, Manufacturing is working on proof files
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 09:37:28 AM

Official PNP Files are updated

There were some revisions to the files mentioned in the previous update, these corrections have been made and added to the PNP folder. 

For those of you who have already started building the PNP here are the changes:

  • Added file for Score Tracker tokens
  • Added file for Character Standees
  • Windshear Retreat Frame tile was updated to correct score track duplicate numbering
  • Quests Cards that deliver to the Trading Ports were updated with the correct image: these cards are found in the US letter file on pages - 27, 29, and 31; and A4 file on pages - 19, 21, and 23

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Rulebook v11

We really appreciate all the effort you, our backers, provided in reviewing the rulebook. We've corrected all the spelling/grammar issues that were pointed out and added suggestions to improve readability and rule understanding. 

A great suggestion to specifically add where you can get more Map Clues in the Map Clue rule section.

Manufacturing is working on Proof files!

Manufacturing is currently working on proof files! Once we receive those, review and approve them; they will build a preproduction copy and send that to us.  Once the preproduction copy is approved we move into production! So homestretch everyone, thank you for your patience! Can't wait to share pictures. 

As for timeline, we should have a firmer understanding by mid-March, but we should be able to get that from manufacturing at this point. Conservatively, early summer fulfillment, but it will depend on review of files and preproduction copy. 

If you have any questions or concerns at all, please leave them in the comment or message us through any other available channel. 

Thank you for your support! 

 -Short Hop Games

February Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 09:54:02 AM

PNP Update:

Was hoping to have this revised by end of this week but unfortunately haven't finished yet. Some graphical issues were brought to our attention on the Quest cards, and one of the frame tiles score track, along with score trackers and character standees missing from the PNP files. We've since updated the quest cards and frame tile (Windshear Retreat had two instances of 23 on it's score track) and all mentioned assets are being revised in the PNP. 

Sorry for the inconvenience especially if you have already printed and cut out these files. 

We've included the STL file for the insert as well as the SVG file for the wooden ships in the PNP folder, the flat shape can be extruded 8mm to print the ship as well for anyone using 3D printers. 

 Manufacturing Update: 

Since manufacturing is waiting on these assets being revised we don't have a timeline for next steps yet. There's some map files for the rulebook and play mat that need to be updated still so those are current remaining assets. 

I wish I had better news for this update but we'd rather release a game free of as many errors as possible than move too quickly and give you something other than our best. 

We're at the homestretch on this and we truly appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Thank you,

Short Hop Games

PNP is complete, all assets being passed to Manufacturing
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 09:48:15 AM

All game assets are finalized and being passed to manufacturing!

While this has taken longer than anticipated, we can now say that all assets are ready to be handed off to manufacturing. We are waiting for an updated timeline from manufacturing but estimated fulfillment is looking like end of April / May right now. As soon as we have firmer dates we'll communicate those, likely in our February update. 

Finalized Front of Box
Finalized back of Box

Finalized Rule Book Link

Check out the finalized rulebook in the link above. We've spent many hours reviewing and editing this rulebook to ensure that it provides the best experience possible for all of you playing the game. That being said please take some time to look it over, if you find anything lacking or errors, please let us know, we will have some room to make final final edits before going to print.  

Official Print & Play

The official print & play is finished and we'll be distributing this to backers as soon as we finish setting that distribution up in our pledge manager. You can expect that to be released end of this week or early next week. 

What's next?

Next steps are getting files set up with manufacturing for a digital print proof to be sent to us for review. As soon as we have updates on that you can expect to see them here. Once we get the proof you can expect to see pictures of it. Once we review that proof we either make changes or approve it (ideally it gets approved without issue). Once approved the full print run starts and then games get put on freighters to travel to fulfillment. We will keep you updated along the way of this process. 

Thank you for your patience and support!

Let us know if you have any questions.

-Short Hop Games