
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

August 2024 Update Manufacturing Starting!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 06:23:41 PM

Manufacturing starting! 

Thank you for sticking with us everyone! We've got super exciting news! We received the final updated e-proofs from manufacturing and everything checks out. We're giving the green light to start the print run! 

Here's the updated timeline: 

Manufacturing quoted lead time: 35-50 days

Ocean freight: 30-40 days

Fulfillment begins once games arrive at contracted fulfillment centers, which conservatively will be mid November so most backers can expect games by beginning of December.

We'll provide status updates as manufacturing progresses and timelines will be adjusted accordingly. 

Cards will be charged next Friday for any remaining balances which includes shipping, funds for late pledges, and retail pledges. 

Understanding that this has been a long time since people originally backed and now, payment cards may not be up-to-date anymore. To avoid delays in getting your game, please make sure to check your details in Backerkit and make sure your payment card is current before next Friday. If your card can't be charged you will be notified. If you have any issues finding your pledge on Backerkit, you should be able to enter your email that you used and find your pledge that way. 

If you have any questions or issues at all, please do not hesitate to contact us through any channel. 

We truly appreciate your support and patience, we know this has been a slog to get your games. 

Thank you,
Eric & Shannon Geller
Short Hop Games

July 2024 Update
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 10:57:24 AM

We apologize for the delay in updating all of you. I hesitate to share this, but I owe you an honest update. The reason for the delayed update is due to a mental health crisis I experienced this past spring. April through June were very challenging months for me. 
However, the good news is that I am feeling much better and have jumped right back into moving the project along. 
Shannon and I have made final edits to the character stories on the back of the character cards, updated the graphic designer with the changes, and provided the proper signage for the back of the box to meet compliance with the EU CE mark. 
Along with updating manufacturing to update the pinbacks from safety pinbacks to a rubber stopper. 
Our next steps will be our graphic designer implementing the changes. We will send the updated changes to manufacturing for them to implement the changes. We will then confirm the changes and collect remaining funds (shipping and late pledges) and then we will...
START THE PRINT RUN (woooooo hoooo we are so close)
Thank you so much for all of your patience and for standing by us. We cannot wait to deliver your games and hear about your personal experiences with Quest and Cannons. 
With warmest regards and heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support, 
Eric Geller and Shannon Geller
Short Hop Games

Quests Cannons now Quests & Cosmos in to the future!
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 06:33:06 AM

It's happening!!!!

After years of grinding hard work and dedication to quality we can finally say that all changes have been successfully made! The tiles fit snuggly into the frame and the standees slot tight into the boats. Put on your pyschonaut pants because we're getting ready to explore some serious inner worlds!

We even did a 2 players co-op vs 4 automata to christen the preproduction. Khalgoh + Bozret vs 4 Mauraders and it was down to the wire! Literally last turn win!

That being said we noticed a graphic issue on one of the frame tiles and slight edit to the rulebook to include in co-op play mentioning to use the home player markers as sink counts. These will be addressed by early next week.  

Payment cards and addressess:

Please make sure your addresses and payment cards are up to date. We will be charging cards two weeks from today. Let us know if you have any questions.

Quests & Cannons: Stories Yet Told

This is our plan to introduce more backstory, characters and slow drip the dungeon crawl mechanics overtime. This offering will start off as ~3000 word short stories eventually including encounter maps and playable dungeon crawl characters with breakout encounters immersing players in the world of the stories we create. We'll be be offering this initiially as print & play and through Patreon. All feedback on this idea is welcome and encouraged 

Loremaster Pledge Opening up:

Are you interested in making a mark on the world of Quests & Cannons? Do you want a custom character written into the world that can be used for future game content? Do you want your character's story to be told? We are offering up unlimited upgrade to the Loremaster pledge. Please reach out if this is something you'd like to be part of!

What this will get you is: the ability to co-create a character of your choice with us in the world of Miraheim. This will come with with a 3000 word story, an encounter map, character art, and a mini-encounter game included in one of the first Stories Yet Told features. Additionally this character will make it into all expansion content of Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands such as The Cosmic Cipher as well as the playable in Ark of The Elder Herd and Dakness Within The Fold!

100% money back guarantee and sustainability: We believe so strongly in the games we are creating that if you are in any way not satisfied with Quests & Cannons that we will offer a full money back guarantee no questions asked. We will even pay for shipping to get the game back to us. 

Creator Corner: 

At Short Hop Games we believe in supporting other creators in bringing their worlds to life, a rising tide raises all ships! 

Dwitght Cenac has been a phenomenal support and friend to me. He is also an avid creator and father. He just recently released a novel in support of his game High Noon call:
High Noon: Gunsmoke Trial

Click image to purchase
Click image to go to purchase

Causes that matter:

Additionally, at Short Hop Games, we believe in supporting causes that matter in the this world. I have recently made a friend living in Rafah, Palestine that I am helping raise funds to deliver him safely to Egypt. In the spirit of Passover, please help donate whatever you can to help. Even $1 helps him and his family become safe from the death strikes occurring there. He lost everything from the attacks, his best friend, a successful career in software development, and a place to call home. While the money required is a lot, there really is only one option to escape at around $5000 per person + up to $1500 per for additional bribery due to Egyptian corruption. Please help my friend Hasan travel to safety. He deserves a chance at life, he is truly a good soul!  

Click this image to go to gofundme page

Thank you everyone for all the love, patience, understanding, and faith you have had with us on this journey. We are truly pleased to be one step closer to getting this game to you and starting on many more fruitful years of game creation with you all.

A rising tide raises all ships! 
Short Hop Games

April 2024 Update
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 09:42:09 AM

Manufacturing Update

We received the updated preproduction copy from manufacturing and finished our review of it. Most of the changes we requested were implemented without issue however two quality of experience changes weren't and we found an omission in the rulebook that we had missed previously. 

1. We had updated the punchboard cut lines to reduce the size of the terrain tiles slightly since they currently fit together too tightly. You can see the difference below with the top tiles from preproduction and the bottom tiles from our preview copy.

2. Last sample the wooden ships had standee slots that were too loose, tolerances were tightened however the acrylic standees come with a thin protective plastic on each side, and tolerances weren’t adjusted to account for those being removed, additionally the ships were somehow made to the preview copy revision due to the hand off from our previous manufacturer’s rep. We’ve communicated these changes/specs to manufacturing and they are working on them.

3. We found the Rulebook didn’t include ammo limit so we added that in and have passed that updated file to manufacturing: 

Full Sampling of components found in Quests & Cannons

We received word from manufacturing earlier today that these three changes will be implemented with new samples by around April 15th. As long as the changes are implemented as requested we don't foresee any more changes holding up production. 

That being said we are going to push back charging cards until the end of the month so that it aligns more closely with production start time. 

Please let us know if you have any questions or if you require any address changes or payment card changes to your pledge. 

Thank you for your support!

Short Hop Games

March 2023 Update Revised Preproduction incoming! + ***Card Charge notice***
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 07:23:08 PM

Revised Preproduction Nearly Here!

It's been quite the journey, but we’re starting to see the shore through the clouds. 
The revised preproduction copy is due to be received tomorrow (at least according to tracking info) 

We'll likely take until about the end of the month to review and ensure all changes have been made as requested. Once we confirm though we're going right into production. Production could start as early as the first week of April! 

Here are some pictures of the remaining updated components (Custom Dice and Box)

                             ***PLEASE READ***

             *** CARD CHARGE DATE CHANGE***

Due to the delays involved in this campaign we've decided to move the card charge date once we begin this production run. We are setting that date as April 5th for now. We want to ensure that if any cards don't charge that there is plenty of time to reach out to backers both before games get on boats and before games get to fulfillment centers. This way we can hopefully minimize games waiting in storage (incurring fees). We will also be doing final locks on addresses at this time. If you have an address change upcoming, please please please notify us so we can make sure to accommodate you. 

If you had any payment card change, please contact us if you need any help changing that information. If your card doesn't charge, we will notify you via Kickstarter and the email that you used in BackerKit, please make sure to check these messages. We want you to get your game :D

If you have any questions at all about this, please do not hesitate to contact us via any available channel that is convenient to you. 

You can reach me directly at [email protected], Facebook Messenger, our Facebook Group, our Facebook Page, Instagram, and Kickstarter. I will respond, and no you are not bugging me. 

Bonus Update - Looking to the future

As we're seeing this project enter the home stretch we still have big plans for what we hope is more exciting adventures to bring to your table. Right now we are looking at a project that aligns greatly with the future direction of the Quests & Cannons series, especially around the dungeon crawl and creating supplemental TTRPG content. 

Master of Realms:

Perhaps the coolest 3D/2D map making tool we have ever seen. On top of being a versatile map builder you're able to 3D print the tiles with some truly stunning resolution. We're very excited about the Master of Realms roadmap and how we can bring the world of Quests & Cannons to life while bringing you all some really cool playable content in the process. Stay tuned for more!