
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update February 2024
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 03:39:23 PM

Manufacturing Status Update

This last stretch has had more issues than we anticipated. We’ve got revised samples produced for most of the components. However manufacturing did not ship us any samples before shutting down for Lunar New Year. 

We’re dealing with an issue with manufacturing where we receive a revised digital proof and then the physical sample is made to a previous revision. It happened with the cards but that’s been resolved, however it also happened with the box and the punchboards.

Fortunately the box is only a graphical change so we won’t need to wait to receive a physical sample for review if we see the changes made on a physical sample we can approve. The punchboards though had graphic and resizing of cut lines. The cut line change was slight so requires our physical review. We're hoping by some miracle the cut lines were revised with this sample and they somehow missed the graphic revision since that would take less time produce a new sample.

Unfortunately we won’t see any revised samples until March when manufacturing returns from Lunar New Year celebrations.

Here are some pictures of completed samples so far:

Assuming all the samples are made to proper revisions we should be able to move right into manufacturing once the revised preproduction copy is received. From point of approval it will take about 60 days before fulfillment begins assuming there aren't any continued issues in the freight world. Once manufacturing returns from holiday we'll have an update on the estimated time of completion for the remaining samples. Hopefully we receive them no later than end of March. 

We will be re-reviewing fulfillment details this week and officially closing down the preorder store end of this week. Please make sure your address and payment info is up to date, and if it's not message us on any of our social media, email, or here on Kickstarter. 

Let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you for your continued patience and support!

Short Hop Games

January Update 2024
8 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 11:22:26 AM

Manufacturing Update

First I would like to thank everyone for their patience and support. We understand that this has taken a long time, some delays were our lack of experience and some have been due to manufacturing whether that has been lack of responsive or communication issues. 

Last month our manufacturing representative left Gameland and our project transferred to a new representative. Our new representative has so far been much more responsive and the latest update is that the remaining revised preproduction samples will be done in about 5 days. 

Once completed that will be shipped to us for review. Besides there being delay with this transition. The main issues holding up the completion of the revised preproduction samples has been an issue with the loot cards and an issue with the custom dice. For some reason manufacturing produced a previous revision that didn't match the virtual proof they provided. This has since been corrected with our new rep and as mentioned above we should see the new card samples next week. 

The other main source of delay has been the custom dice. Even though this item was put on our invoice our previous rep thought it was not an item that needed to be produced. Additionally the reference image that manufacturing provided to use was not sufficient to produce a sample so we've been working selecting pantones to get the dice effect backers voted for. The first dice sample produced was not made to our requested spec both desired base colors and number colors (numbers should be metallic gold). Unfortunately due to Lunar New Year, we won't see a new dice sample until start of March. 

Here's the first custom dice sample from manufacturing:

Ideally, there will be no changes required of the revised samples and the new dice sample will look right. Best case scenario right now is production will be complete by mid April putting fulfillment around end of May. European fulfillment may be delayed depending on the state of ocean freight due to the conflict in the Middle East. 

Please make sure your payment information and shipping address is up-to-date in the pledge manager.

As always let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you,
Short Hop Games

December 2023 Update
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 09:41:51 AM

Manufacturing Update

We've received pictures from manufacturing of some of the updated preproduction components. Due to the factory being busy this time of year we're seeing longer delays on these samples being produced. We're still waiting on updated cards and custom dice to be produced and received by our manufacturing rep. We're told cards will be received Monday or Tuesday next week and dice will take about another week so hopefully by next Friday. Once the revised preproduction samples are complete they will be shipped to us for review. So far from images all the revisions have been made, though physical inspection will insure quality, especially around changes that aren't easily noticed by images alone. 

Unfortunately, it's looking like best case scenario we receive the revised preproduction copy by end of month. It will take us about a week to review it before we give approval to start production. Production is estimated at 24 days and we're going to run into Lunar New Year which will delay production being completed until around middle of February. Considering lead time estimates for ocean freight, we're currently looking at fulfillment by end of March.

Pictures of Revised components

Revised Playmat: We had graphical changes to the outpost tiles to better allow card decks to be placed without obscuring and text.
Character standees: slot tolerances were revised to assure a firm fit. Physical inspection is necessary, though our rep did send us a video as well showing a firm fit.
Playerboard: issues with original files sent to manufacturing resulted in the ammo slot and champion slot not being sized right. From this picture it looks to be corrected, will confirm with physical test.
Revised Rulebook: There were a number of graphical and text changes to improve the rulebook

List of Rulebook Revisions:

Rulebook updated revision:

Page 5 - Kingdoms’ to nations’ - FIXED

Page 6 - outpost is used 2: Prepare decks(outpost is not listed in glossary and Component page doesn’t distinguish between outpost tile and nation tile frame should either split up to show these two components or called out as such) - FIXED

Page 8

5: Home Ports- doesn’t specify in free for all that players should have home port between them. Also should say nation tile instead of frame. Doesn’t mention putting player pieces on home port. - FIXED

Page 10: Refresh doesn’t say which side is their ready side. Potentially could be shown on page 11 in Currencies section or the action section where sails are mentioned page 12. - FIXED

Page 16: Spend any number of Cannons should add (flip to fired side) show fired side picture. -FIXED

On sinking, saying “do nothing” if a marauder sinks you might be confused for not doing any of the sinking steps, can we reword that?-FIXED

Page 17: Maintenance should show new hull damage graphic -FIXED

Page 18: Song of Daring picture should be replaced by a loot card that can be equipped such as Greedy Sextant. -FIXED

Clue Cards should say “Clue cards” or Quest cards should be “Quest Cards” -FIXED

Page 4: Reference cards aren’t shown in Component page -FIXED

Actual coin count is 61 coins -FIXED

Reference cards aren’t mentioned in setup. Should have space in 4: Prepare your Ship “1 six-sided traveler’s die, and a set of reference cards” -FIXED

Page 15: Delivering Clues should mention that when playing on teams you can deliver clues to your teammates home port. (Each home port on your nation tile is considered your team’s home ports) - FIXED

Page 17: Ship Upgrades last sentence “…what is stated on ‘their’ Champion…” should be ‘your’ -FIXED

Page 18: Equipping Loot Cards

First sentence should end with “on your turn” -FIXED

Champion abilities, these abilities can be used at any time “on your turn, once per turn” -FIXED

An updated rulebook has been included in the print & play folder. 

Let us know if you have any questions about this update. We'll provide another update once we receive confirmation that all preproduction components are complete and ready to ship to us. 

Kind regards,

Short Hop Games

November 2023 Update
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 08:35:43 AM

Manufacturing Update

Unfortunately this is a short update as we are still waiting on the updated preproduction copy. Manufacturing told us yesterday that we will have an updated timeline tomorrow. 

Once we receive a timeline update, we'll push out another update. 

Kind regards,

Short Hop Games

October Update
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 09:42:00 AM

Manufacturing update

Hey everyone we've been working with manufacturing over the last month largely waiting on proofs to be completed and ensuring their accuracy. Manufacturing has told us production of the second preproduction copy is starting today, we do not currently have lead time for its completion, but we are still waiting on one remaining proof (punchboards). 

This unfortunately means that based on standard manufacturing and ocean freight lead times we will not be delivering this year but it's looking like January of 2024. We'll have a firmer timeline once this preproduction copy is completed. To further manage expectations, Lunar New Year is celebrated in China about 15 days before February 10th next year, though assuming no additional delays we should be able to have games picked up and on boats before that impacts us.

Here are some pictures of updated proofs we've received:

Playerboard Proofs
Card Proofs Front
Card Proofs Back
Rulebook Proof

Promotional Enamel Pins

These weren't included in the previous pre-production copy but we're super excited to share with you the production samples for the promotional character pins!

Promotional Character Pins

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns! We appreciate your patience as we work to get manufacturing finalized. 

Thank you, 

Short Hop Games