
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Update
12 months ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 11:03:26 AM

Manufacturing update:

At this point all of the final revisions from the preproduction copy have been passed over to to manufacturing and we are waiting on the completion of final proofs.  Right now we are waiting for the Rulebook proof, Punchboard proofs, and Playerboard proofs. 

To give you an idea of the scope of the revisions and what this affected, we had multiple revisions to the following components:

  • Rulebook - graphic and text changes
  • Punchboards - cut line resizing and graphic adjustments
  • Slotted Playerboards - cut line adjustments
  • Cards - fixed graphic errors
  • Playmat - fixed graphic issues
  • Wooden ship player pieces - issues with fit tolerance had to be adjusted

Additionally the project manager that was working with us from the manufacturer left and we are working with a new project manager so there has been some communication issues with that transfer. 

Because of the number of revisions, the need to have physical hands on components to confirm quality, and the change over of project manager, we're insisting on receiving another preproduction copy before going to print. 

This of course will add some delay, but we won't be able to ensure revisions are properly made otherwise.

Please let us know if you have any questions and we apologize for the delay, but we'd rather ensure you receive the quality game we intend to make.

Kind regards, 

Short Hop Games

August Update Preproduction copy and Final revisions
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 10:03:55 AM

Preproduction Copy Arrived!

Manufacturing sent out the preproduction copy to us earlier this month. We've been busy working out the remaining revisions to pass back to manufacturing and should have that completed by end of month. Once manufacturing confirms those changes have been made, we'll start the print run!

Shannon made a fun TikTok video with xtra cheese of me punching out the components and testing out the insert. 

Game setup on the play mat
Playerboard with game components

We include a whole lot of story elements in Quests & Canons including a full spread story intro in the rulebook, 12 unique character backstories on the backs of the champion tiles, 6 location lore descriptions on the backs of the board frame tiles, and 50 unique flavor Quest descriptions.

The story elements found in Quests & Cannons

Here's the insert in action showing how the components stack on top of each other. 

How the components fit into the insert

We did get some feedback from backers about the individual player wells and storage of the game vertically. Most of the components stay in place when stored vertically and unless you flip the box upside down, you won't see much movement of pieces. That being said we designed the 6 player wells for ease of set up and tear down. Bagging the components in those sections may make that easier as well as limit mixing of components if you choose to store the game vertically. 

Alternatively the player wells can be used to sort components by type:

Player wells used to sort components by type

Let us know if you have any questions, and next update will likely be next month announcing that we started printing!

Thank you for your support!

Kind regards,

Short Hop Games

July Update
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 09:56:10 AM

Manufacturing Update

Was hoping to have a better update by now, but we've seen delays from manufacturing getting the updated box and insert done for the preproduction copy. 

The updated box is completed and due to some previous miscalculations our box height went from 3" to 4.5". Insert redesign is done and manufacturing says that should be complete by end of this week. 

Hopefully that timeline is met, they send us the preproduction copy for review and then we can hit print for this run and start moving towards fulfillment. 

To reiterate current lead times after we start manufacturing is about 24 days to schedule/complete the print run then about another 30 days for ocean freight before fulfillment starts. Rough estimate is 3-4 months until games are fulfilled, and we'll be doing anything we can to shorten that.

Updated box images
Updated insert, added additional storage well, and overall depth of wells was increased.

We will keep you updated as soon as we receive word that the preproduction copy is ready to ship to us. 

Thank you for your patience! 

Kind regards,

Short Hop Games

June 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 09:29:36 AM

Update on Incomplete Surveys

Thank you to everyone that contacted us to ensure their pledge surveys are complete! At this time unless you have received an email directly from [email protected], a reminder through BackerKit, or a direct message from us through Kickstarter then you can safely assume your pledge survey is complete and you will receive your game at fulfillment. For those of you that did receive messages please ensure your details are complete so we can ensure you get your game. 

That being said, if you have an address change or payment info change that has not been reflected in your pledge survey on BackerKit you will want to make sure that is updated. Please reach out to us if you have any issues making that change. 

Manufacturing Update

First took a little longer than expected to get the mold done for the metal coins. The initial finish on them wasn’t quite what we’re looking for so that’s going to be resampled but shouldn’t have to make a new mold. We want the coins to look brighter/shinier to align with our art theme, currently they are too worn/gritty looking.

Metal Coin MFG Sample

Second there was some miscommunication with our insert design and it doesn’t properly contain our components and we’ll need to increase the box height to accommodate that.  We’re working on getting that fixed, then a new sample will be made and manufacturing will do a fit test before shipping the preproduction copy to us for review. The redesign on the insert is expected to be completed by end of this week. 

MFG Insert Sample

Conservatively we're estimating about a month of delay but will depend on how fast changes can be made, samples reproduced, and accounting for any communication delays with manufacturing.

We're working as efficiently as we can to reduce the time of this delay and will provide another update as progress continues. 

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Short Hop Games

Incomplete Pledge Surveys in BackerKit
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 11, 2023 at 09:29:06 AM

Incomplete pledge surveys

We are working on finalizing fulfillment with our fulfillment partners and we still have 36 backers that either pledged funds on Kickstarter or have games added in their pledge survey but their pledge surveys are incomplete. 

We especially want to ensure that everyone who paid us through Kickstarter receives their games but also anyone who late pledged gets their games as well. We are reaching out by email and through Kickstarter messages.  

Please review your pledge surveys on BackerKit to make sure they are complete and have current payment info, shipping info(including phone number), and you've answered your pledge questions.

To ensure you get your game at time of fulfillment we must have your current address and phone number and current payment information in the pledge manager.

If you have any question at all about your pledge details, please reach out to us by email, Facebook, or Kickstarter and we will make sure you are taken care of. 

Shipment to non EU Europe Countries

Unfortunately we will not be able to provide Direct Duty Paid shipment to our backers in Norway, Switzerland, or Iceland. We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes but we currently only have the option to ship Direct Duty Unpaid to these locations. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact us. 

Thank you,

Short Hop Games