
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands

Created by Short Hop Games

A high fantasy on the high seas, competitive adventure game for 1 - 6 heroic champions! Avg Play time: 20min per player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Holidays
over 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 05:11:24 AM

Happy Holidays! 

I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and looking forward to the New Year! 

Unfortunately this month we did not make the progress we had hoped for largely due to scheduling conflicts to wrap up remaining work. We have final revisions pending on the Rulebook and Box graphics. 

We also had hoped for the print and play to be finished but it's not quite done yet either. 

We'll provide another update in January, but due to timing we likely won't be able to get games on boats before Lunar New Year 2023. When we have a better scheduling update we will communicate that as well. 

Thank you for your understanding and sorry for the delay. 

Kind regards,

Short Hop Games

November Update
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 12:28:17 AM

Locking Orders 

As we are getting closer to having the print & play done and the remaining files set up for manufacturing we'll be locking orders at the end of next week to ensure counts are consistent with manufacturing. We won't be producing any extra deluxe versions of the game so if you have cold feet on the deluxe versions or the add-ons this is the time to update your pledge information. 

Print & Play

Talked with Martin and we should be seeing the print & play early next week which keeps on track for fulfillment of this by end of this month or beginning of next month. 

Let us know if you have any questions 

Thank you,

Short Hop Games

October Update
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 08:36:11 PM

Started passing files to manufacturing!

We've completed all the review of components on the punchboards and all the cards, so we've started to pass these files to manufacturing to get them set up for printing. We have the rulebook and the back of the box left. 

Updated Render for the back of the box

Until we get the proof copy from manufacturing this render is the closest to what the completed game is going to look like.  

Print & Play

We have all the files complete for the print & play now so we're passing those over to Martin G so he can work his magic. That should be completed and distributed in about a month from now. 

Locking Orders

This bring us to the last order of business this update, we'll be locking orders a month from now as we'll be putting in our deposit for manufacturing for this print run. This is especially important if you are planning on picking up any add ons/ the deluxe version of the game as we will only be printing to order for those components. We're still targeting fulfillment first quarter of next year and ideally games on boats by end of the year but at latest we're aiming to have them ocean freighting to fulfillment before Lunar New Year.  

Let us know if you have any questions! 

Thank you,

Short Hop Games

September Update
about 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 02:38:17 AM

Hello Everyone,

We want to thank this wonderful community from the bottom of our hearts for sticking with us.

We have spent the last month focusing on self-care and family. Eric is feeling much better! We

continue to move towards our end goal of getting Quests & Cannons on your table! We are so

excited and hope it brings you as much joy as it has brought us.

We apologize for the delay in updates, while this is a passion project we're not currently in a position to dedicate as much time as we'd like between day jobs and our family life. We're working to reassess our timeline right now and are aiming for having the PNP ready in Q4 this year and fulfillment towards the end of Q1 of next year. 

Since last update we've completed: 

  • Quest Card text review
  • Champion ability and backstory text review
  • Loot Card text review
  • Resized wooden boats to prevent tipping issues from having bases too short in prototypes

Remaining work to wrap up final files:

  • With the champion text finalized, the final design of the punchboards can be wrapped up. 
  • We are working with a 3d modeler for a final render for the back of the box and are waiting for progress there.
  • Back of Box: text drafts and review get GS1 barcode and other relevant marks to include such as CE mark and UK equivalent.
  • Confirm dimension changes on plastic insert (3D print for form and fit test)
  • Add nation color indicators to edge of acrylic standee art file
  • Finalize neoprene mat design - this is largely updating the map layout with updated island assets

Thank you again for your patience, if you have any questions please feel free to drop them in the comments to this update.


Short Hop Games

Thank you for your patience!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 03, 2022 at 12:48:38 PM

Really, thank you! 

This last month has been really challenging for a number of reasons, and regardless we should have updated here as well. We provided a status update in the Facebook group on June 19th that we've included below.

Remaining work includes: 

  • Rulebook final review
  • Loot and Quest card final review
  • Champion tile final review
  • Punchboard final review
  • Back of Box: text drafts and review and commission new 3D render with updated assets, get GS1 barcode and other relevant marks to include such as CE mark and UK equivalent. 
  • Confirm dimension changes on plastic insert (3D print for form and fit test) 
  • Add nation color indicators to edge of acrylic standee art file
  • Resize wooden boats to prevent tipping issues from having bases too short in prototypes
  • Finalize neoprene mat design

We'll work to keep you better updated this month as we progress through this remaining list. Once we're done with this list we'll make a new announcement on locking orders and then lock orders ahead of finalizing final print count with manufacturing. 

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you again for your patience, it is truly appreciated. 

Live long and prosper \_\ /_/

Short Hop Games